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# Glossary of Terms: Community Development Program [TOC] ## A #### Accessibility design of products, devices, services, or environments to be usable by people who experience disabilities; sometimes abbreviated as "a11y" where 11 stands for the number of letters between the first “a” and the last “y” in the word accessibility ## B #### Badge indicator of a role in The Carpentries community that requires certification; typically, a certificate will be sent by email when a badge is conferred; see also _**Certification**_ #### Blog Post piece of writing shared on The Carpentries website written by the community or the Core Team to share information, community developments, or teaching tips and tricks #### Bonus Module see **_Instructor Training Bonus Module_** #### Business Team members of The Carpentries Core Team who work on the legal and financial aspects of the organisation and coordinate with our fiscal sponsor, Community Initiatives ## C #### Carpentries Clippings bi-weekly newsletter sent to an opt-in email list, featuring community news and announcements and including important updates from The Carpentries committees, task forces and programs, job postings, and related information for our community from other organisations #### Carpentries Conversations community discussion hosted by one of our committees or task forces to provide the community with the opportunity to learn about and discuss new developments and programs in our organisation #### Carpentries Incubator GitHub organisation hosting repositories of lessons being developed by community members; new lessons can be added to the Incubator by opening an issue on [the carpentries-incubator/proposals repository](https://github.com/carpentries-incubator/proposals) #### Carpentries Lab place for sharing high-quality, peer-reviewed lessons that follow best practices in pedagogy and the general teaching practices used in The Carpentries #### CarpentryCon global community conference held every two years aimed at bringing The Carpentries community together for networking, knowledge and skills sharing, and collaborations around different initiatives and programs #### CarpentryCon @Home CarpentryCon events held virtually; see also **_CarpentryCon_** #### CarpentryCon Task Force members of the community who organise CarpentryCon #### CarpentryConnect events organised by community coordinators to bring together members of a Carpentries’ subcommunity for knowledge exchange, collaboration, and networking; frequency, size and scope are determined by community members #### Carpentries Handbook collection of information on Carpentries policies and procedures, including how to lead a workshop, how to develop and maintain lessons, how to participate in an instructor training event, how to get involved in our global community, and information about Carpentries communication channels - [The Carpentries Handbook — The Carpentries Handbook documentation](https://docs.carpentries.org/index.html) #### Centrally-Organised Workshops Carpentries workshop, in which logistics and organisation is supported by The Carpentries Core Team for a fee #### Certification process of earning a badge; see also **_Badge, Checkout_** #### Checkout process consisting of steps to be completed after, or in addition to, a training in order to complete certification; most often, this refers to the [Instructor checkout process](https://carpentries.github.io/instructor-training/checkout/index.html), but may also refer to [steps required for Trainer certification](https://carpentries.github.io/trainer-training/01-week1_discussion_questions/index.html#trainer-checkout) #### Code of Conduct (CoC) policy that describes what is expected of everyone participating in Carpentries activities #### Code of Conduct Committee members of the community who keep our community friendly and welcoming by processing and responding to reports of violations of our Code of Conduct #### Cohort community members who go through a program together; community members trained in any community role who are onboarded at the same time and who then work together to develop relevant community-facing resources that address specific needs #### Committee group of community members appointed for a specific function (e.g., Instructor Development Committee); committees are guided by [The Carpentries Committee Policy](https://docs.carpentries.org/topic_folders/governance/committee-policy.html?highlight=committee) #### Community individuals and committees who are a part of our operations, including, but not limited to: Learners, Instructors, Helpers, Maintainers, Trainers, Community Coordinators, Workshop Hosts, Member Site Contacts, Community Champions, Curriculum Advisors, Local and Regional Community Leaders, and all Committee and Task Force Members #### Community Calendar NEEDS DEFINITION #### Community Coordinator member of the community who serves as leader of a subcommunity and who supports the Community Development Program #### Community Development Program (CDP) program supported by the Community Development Team that offers resources and services to support community leaders who are building new or sustaining existing subcommunities (i.e., community coordinators); the primary goal of the program is to improve how subcommunities are supported to maximise benefits to our community members and to ensure the long term sustainability of the organisation as we continue to grow globally #### Community Development Team (CDT) members of The Carpentries Core Team who work to develop and maintain an open and welcoming community culture; develop, test and implement communication strategies, support various committees and task forces, and introduce and support initiatives to increase pathways for collaboration in our community; focus on equitable distribution of resources, opportunities and access to inclusive spaces for our community members globally #### Community Discussion community call designed for everyone in the community interested in learning, educating and advocating for teaching foundational coding and data science skills globally; there are four types of Community Discussions: Pre- and Post-Workshop Discussions, Themed Discussion Sessions, Carpentries Conversations, and Regional Community Calls #### Community Initiatives fiscal sponsor of The Carpentries #### Core Team team members whose primary professional focus is to support the overall mission of The Carpentries on a daily basis; include employees of our fiscal sponsor, Community Initiatives, or the professional employer organisation (PEO), Velocity Global; these individuals are fully integrated into The Carpentries operational systems, attend weekly meetings, and function as part of programmatic teams #### Cultural Competence state of having and applying knowledge and skill in four areas: (1) awareness of one’s own cultural worldview; (2) recognition of one’s attitudes toward cultural differences; (3) realisation of different cultural practices and worldviews; and (4) thoughtfulness in cross-cultural interaction #### Curriculum self-contained set of one or more lessons that are aimed at a given target audience and designed to be taught together in a workshop or training #### Curriculum Advisor individual who volunteers to guide the development of existing lessons, maintain a broad perspective on the state of the field, and make strategic decisions about major changes to a lesson #### Curriculum Advisory Committee (CAC) group of Curriculum Advisors serving a single curriculum #### Curriculum Development Handbook guide to the process and infrastructure used by The Carpentries community to develop new lessons. #### Curriculum Module set of resources in the curriculum addressing one topic e.g., Code of Conduct facilitation #### Curriculum Team members of The Carpentries Core Team who guide and oversee curriculum development and maintenance and work closely with our Lesson Maintainers and Curriculum Advisors ## D #### Demo see **_Teaching Demo_** #### Discussion Host member of The Carpentries community who facilitates a community discussion #### Diversity individual differences (e.g., personality, language, learning preferences and life experiences) and group-social differences (e.g., race, ethnicity, class, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, sexual identity, country of origin and ability status, as well as cultural, political, religious or other affiliations) that can be engaged in the service of learning #### Donor individual who contributes financially to The Carpentries, whether one-time or on a regular basis ## E #### Editor coordinates and oversees the open peer review of lessons in The Carpentries Lab #### Episode (Lesson Episode) single page in the body of a Carpentries lesson; multiple chapters make up a lesson; a chapter does not need to be self-contained #### Equity creation of opportunities for equal access to and participation in programs that are capable of closing participation gaps in our community #### Etherpad open-source, web-based collaborative real-time editor; allows authors to edit a text document simultaneously, and access all of the participants' edits in real-time, with the ability to display each author's text in their own colour; there is also a chat box in the sidebar to allow meta communication #### Executive Council governing body of The Carpentries, to whom the Executive Director reports; comprises nine members, from The Carpentries community or others, four elected by the community, and five appointed by the Executive Council; the highest leadership body of The Carpentries project responsible for strategic and organisational planning, selecting the Executive Director and evaluating their performance, financial oversight, identifying revenue streams and resource development, approving and monitoring The Carpentries programs and services, and enhancing The Carpentries public image; members of the council also serve as advocates and ambassadors for the organisation, leveraging their networks to benefit the project’s reputation and fundraising; executes these responsibilities through a combination of quarterly Executive Council meetings and regular correspondence and collaboration via email and online platforms #### Executive Team members of the Core Team who proactively bring together perspectives from all individual programmatic teams and established community segments; they discuss and resolve ongoing challenges, develop and implement a shared approach to management and leadership, review and make decisions on budget, oversee and make decisions on Core Team roles and responsibilities, establish and support how the Core Team works together, oversee project work, support the development of revenue opportunities including grants, and support the Executive Director in their work with the Executive Council ## F ## G #### Governance system by which an organisation is controlled and operates; governance of The Carpentries is undertaken by the Executive Council, to whom the Executive Director reports; see also **_Executive Council_** #### Green Stickies positive feedback from the community or for the community ## H #### Handbook see **_Carpentries Handbook_** #### Helper volunteer recruited by the workshop organiser to support Carpentries workshops; support learners one-on-one if they are stuck installing software, understanding a line of code, or any other parts of the learning process; does not have to be acertified Instructor or member of The Carpentries community; see [helper checklist](https://docs.carpentries.org/topic_folders/hosts_instructors/hosts_instructors_checklist.html#helper-checklist) for more information #### Host Organisation organisation(s) responsible for organising a Carpentries event; the organisation where the event is held ## I #### Incident Response Group (IRG) group of people who work on a specific code of conduct incident; there will be a minimum of three people from the Code of Conduct committee on each IRG #### Incident Response Lead person on the Code of Conduct committee heading the Incidence Response Group (IRG); this person is appointed on a per-incident basis by the IRG #### Inclusion active, intentional, and ongoing engagement of diverse people and communities that increases awareness, content knowledge, and empathic understanding of the ways we interact within (and change) our community #### Incubator see **_Carpentries Incubator_** #### Incubator Lesson lesson under development by the community in The Carpentries Incubator, using the Carpentries lesson infrastructure #### Incubator Lesson Spotlight regular feature in The Carpentries blog and newsletter, highlighting a lesson currently under community development; the purpose is to raise the visibility of that lesson among the broader community, and to encourage community members to contribute to its further development #### Infrastructure Team members of The Carpentries Core Team that ensure the development, maintenance, and compliance of all the systems that keep our organisation operating (e.g., Etherpads, lesson templates, our internal database AMY) #### Instructors community members who are certified to teach Carpentries workshops after completing Instructor Training and checkout #### Instructor Development Committee (IDC) committee that develops and maintains a mentorship program to support Instructors as they progress through training, teaching, curriculum development, and other community-related activities; they help promote community-building and networking by providing (virtual) spaces where Instructors from all over the world can share teaching success stories and discuss strategies for overcoming challenges #### Instructor Trainee individual who is in the process of being certified as an Instructor #### Instructor Trainer community member who has been trained and certified to teach Instructor Training; they also host teaching demonstrations, attend Trainer meetings, and teach Instructor Training Bonus Modules #### Instructor Training training in how to teach Carpentries workshops, including educational psychology, evidence-based teaching practices, and Carpentries-specific information; a necessary step to complete Instructor checkout and certification. See also **_Instructor Training Curriculum_** #### Instructor Training Bonus Module additional optional training that may be offered to Instructors #### Instructor Training Team members of The Carpentries Core Team who support the growth and development of The Instructor Training and Trainer Training program. #### Internationalisation initiative to translate Carpentries resources into multiple languages and support the adoption of The Carpentries internationally; sometimes abbreviated as "i18n" where 18 stands for the number of letters between the first “i” and the last “n” in the word internationalisation ## J ## K ## L #### Lab see **_Carpentries Lab_** #### Lab Lesson peer-reviewed lesson in The Carpentries Lab; lab lessons typically begin in the Incubator and enter the Lab after passing the peer review and editorial processes. #### Learner anyone who participates in a Carpentries workshop #### Lesson self-contained collection of episodes teaching skills within a single topic, built using the Lesson Infrastructure #### Lesson Developer member of the community who creates lesson content; may use Curriculum Development Handbook as a primary resource #### Lesson Development Sprint dedicated event to make progress and encourage collaboration on the development of a lesson #### Lesson Infrastructure collection of software tools that are used to build, style, and validate a Carpentries lesson website; also known as The Carpentries Workbench #### Lesson Infrastructure Committee members of the community who make decisions for structural changes to the lesson infrastructure to ensure that they align with our core values #### Lesson Maintainer see **_Maintainer_** #### Lesson Program collection of lessons which comprise one or more Carpentries workshops and the leadership guiding their development and implementation; [lesson programs are described in further detail in The Carpentries Handbook](https://www.google.com/url?q=https://docs.carpentries.org/topic_folders/governance/lesson-program-policy.html?highlight%3Dprogram%23lesson-programs&sa=D&source=docs&ust=1655288647439065&usg=AOvVaw3I5ulcHeU8MNisgeRHiiw_) #### Lesson Program Governance Committee group overseeing the strategy and policies of a Lesson Program #### Local Community members of a local community within a specific geographic region #### Listserv see **_Mailing List_** ## M #### Mailing List email list you can subscribe to for receiving communications from the community; TopicBox is the platform The Carpentries uses for supporting mailing lists #### Maintainer community member working to keep Carpentries lessons stable and functional #### Membership see **_Member Organisation_** #### Member Organisation institution committed to supporting the maintenance and growth of The Carpentries community according to the specific details outlined in each institution’s Membership Agreement or Memorandum of Agreement #### Member Council group of representatives from Member Organisations that provide feedback and ideas to the Membership Team; each Member Organisation is allocated seats on the Member Council; [updates on the Member Organisation Council (carpentries.org)](https://carpentries.org/blog/2021/08/member-organisation-council-meeting/) #### Membership Team members of The Carpentries Core Team who support the growth and development of The Carpentries Membership Program #### Mentee member of the Mentoring Program who is new to The Carpentries community and is supported by a Mentor #### Mentor instructor who volunteers to guide small groups of mentees toward a particular outcome #### Mentoring Program program supporting Instructors who are new to our community by matching them with a personal Mentor and will help Mentees gain the confidence, technical skills, and teaching skills needed to reach their goal ## N #### Newsletter communication sent to an opt-in mailing list, featuring community news and announcements and including important updates from The Carpentries committees, task forces and programs, job postings, and related information for our community from other organisations; see also **_Carpentries Clippings_** ## O #### Official Lesson single lesson within a Lesson Program that can be taught in an official Carpentries workshop ## P #### Pilot Workshop event where a new lesson is being tested #### Policy guideline adopted by The Carpentries that informs the implementation of procedures, including but not limited to, finances, infrastructure, and programming; for more information on our policies see [policies in The Carpentries handbook](https://docs.carpentries.org/topic_folders/policies/index.html) #### Pre- and Post-Workshop Discussion community discussion designed for Instructors getting ready to teach or having recently taught to come to discuss their workshop with other Instructors ## Q ## R #### Red Stickies constructive feedback from the community or for the community #### Regional Community Call community discussion pertaining to regional community matters #### Reviewer community member providing feedback on a lesson as part of The Carpentries Lab open peer review process #### Roadmap plan that defines a goal or desired outcome and includes the major steps or milestones needed to achieve it ## S #### Self-Organised Workshop workshop that is facilitated and organised by a certified Carpentries Instructor and their local community #### Slack software platform used by The Carpentries to support synchronous and asynchronous communications; channels support communications, collaboration and co-creation among a subset of community members, depending on the channel’s purpose #### Sponsor organisation that has committed to supporting The Carpentries financially through the Carpentries Sponsorship program; see also **_Sponsorship Program_** #### Sponsorship Program program that allows a company, firm, or other entity to contribute financially to The Carpentries; the program was piloted in 2021-2022 with the goal of diversifying Carpentries funding sources #### Strategic Plan document used to communicate The Carpentries goals, objectives, and actions taken to achieve those goals over a five-year period #### Subcommunity local, regional, or domain-specific segment of the larger Carpentries community; these groups are supported by The Carpentries Community Development Program ## T #### Task Force group created to explore ideas and make updates in policy, procedures and guidelines; they bring together a small group of people focused on a particular topic for a set period of time #### Team group of Core Team members that work collaboratively to support a specific program area; for more information on our Teams and their work, see [Quarterly Team Projects in The Carpentries](https://carpentries.org/core-team-projects/) #### Teaching Demo session where Instructor Trainees give a short demonstration of how they would teach a lesson; part of the Instructor certification process #### Themed Discussion Session community discussion centred around a particular topic (e.g., teaching your first workshop, community building strategies) #### Tip Sheet community resource that synthesises and summarises information; example includes our [Welcome Tip Sheet](https://carpentries.org/welcome-tip-sheet/) #### TopicBox platform The Carpentries uses for supporting email mailing lists; there are numerous mailing lists you can join based on the community roles you are supporting and your interests #### Trainee Individual who has registered for or attended a Carpentries Training (e.g., Instructor Training, Trainer Training) but has not yet completed certification #### Trainer Community member who teaches a Carpentries Training. see **_Instructor Trainer_** #### Trainers Leadership committee of Instructor Trainers responsible for community oversight and governance #### Trainer Training training in how to teach Instructor Training; a necessary step to complete Trainer checkout and certification #### Training event that provides instruction (and/or training) on specific competencies, knowledge, or skills. The individuals who complete training bcome eligible for certification upon completion of the program requirements. **see _Instructor Training_**, **see _Trainer Training_** #### Translator member of the community who translate our resources into multiple languages ## U ## V ## W #### Workshop Administrator role within The Carpentries Core Team that supports the organisation and execution of workshops requested by members and hosts #### Workshop Administration Team members of The Carpentries Core Team who develop and implement workflows to keep our workshops operating smoothly #### Workshop event that is taught by Carpentries Instructors who teach the curriculum of Data Carpentry, Library Carpentry and Software Carpentry; see **_Self-Organised Workshop_** and **_Centrally-Organised Workshop_** #### Workshop Host person that organises a Carpentries workshop on behalf of their institution and requests a Centrally-Organised Workshop to be coordinated by a Workshop Administrator ## X ## Y ## Z ## ## Archived Terms #### Accessibility Facilitator inactive community service role within the Community Facilitators program; accessibility facilitators would lead conversations to review, update and implement Carpentries accessibility guidelines that guide interactions in online and in-person spaces, as well as the creation of written and audio-visual content and choice of platforms #### Assessment Network inactive committee that consisted of community members helping The Carpentries understand and assess the organisation’s impact #### Buddy see **_Community Buddy_** #### Champion community member who helped support the growth and development of The Carpentries by advocating and connecting with local communities; the Champions program is currently inactive #### Code of Conduct Facilitator inactive community service role within the Community Facilitators program; community facilitators who serve as a bridge between community members at events and our Code of Conduct processes #### Community Buddy member of the community who onboards new community members #### Communications Facilitator community facilitator who helped translate key communications so we could share these in languages other than English across our social media channels and lead region-specific outreach campaigns #### Community Facilitator inactive community service role within the Community Facilitators program; community members who were trained to use the Community Facilitators Program curriculum #### Community Facilitators Program initiative in The Carpentries that sought to create new pathways for active involvement in everyday community activities by more community members; this program has been merged into the Community Development Program #### Feedback Facilitator community facilitator who collected and organised feedback shared publicly and informally in our community spaces for ease of filtering, action and response #### Post-Training Framework a resource created by the Task Force to guide Community Facilitators in identifying needs in The Carpentries community that they can collaboratively work to alleviate in their cohort after their training #### Regional Coordinator member of the community who managed workshop logistics, communicated with hosts and Instructors, and responded to general inquiries #### Resource-Enhancement Facilitator community facilitator who led discussions around content design to guide the publication and archiving of community-created resources in a way that makes them accessible to all, and lowers barriers to knowledge acquisition by other community members i.e. replacing sea of text with images, GIFs, videos, illustrating workflows to make them easier to understand, managing tags and their use to collate resources across Carpentries platforms, etc #### Technology Facilitator community facilitator who addressed everyday ‘how-do-I’ questions that newcomers have as they collaborate with others on platforms The Carpentries uses (i.e. GitHub)