# Welcome to the AU NZ Carpentries Community Call CodiMD instance! :::info This document is synchronized as you type, so that everyone viewing this page sees the same text. This allows you to collaborate seamlessly on documents. **Use of this service is restricted to members of The Carpentries community**; this is not for general purpose use (for that, try etherpad.wikimedia.org). Users are expected to follow our **[Code of Conduct](https://docs.carpentries.org/topic_folders/policies/code-of-conduct.html)**. 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Roy Costilla, roy.costilla@cawthron.org.nz 7. James Foster, james.foster@csiro.au 8. Sara King, sara.king@aarnet.edu.au 9. Sarah Bailey [checkout], sarah.bailey@plantandfood.co.nz 10. Stéphane Guillou, s.guillou@uq.edu.au 11. Richard Littauer, richard.littauer@gmail.com --> ## Agenda ## * Welcome and logistics (5 mins) * Introduction to talk ## Useful links CarpentriesOffline website: https://carpentriesoffline.org CarpentriesOffline GitHub repository: https://github.com/carpentriesoffline/ OfflineDataSci: https://pypi.org/project/offlinedatasci/ Latest RPi image: https://github.com/carpentriesoffline/carpentriesoffline-installer/releases/tag/v0.20240902 Raspberry Pi Imager: https://www.raspberrypi.com/software/ HPC Carpentry: https://www.hpc-carpentry.org/community-lessons/ #### Volunteer notetaker: Carpentry Connect NZ - Christchurch, co-located with eResearch NZ 2025 (February 2025) Preferences for format - online/hybrid vs. in-person Would help Nisha to know how many are able to attend vs. how many would prefer things to be online ## Q&A * ***How much of a technical expertise is expected to use this at a workshop?*** **A:** Not much. **Jannetta's answer:** We hope to get to a point where very little technical knowledge is needed. An instructor should be able to connect all the bits like I showed in the video and then, beyond that, make use of an HPC by ssh'ing (secure shell) into the it and run programs. I will be creating an onboarding lesson for instructors on how to build it from scratch, how to write the operating system to the SSD hard drive and then how to connect to it. I have added a link to HPC Carpentry above, but here it is again: https://www.hpc-carpentry.org/community-lessons/ * ***Raspberry Pi - how is it powered? micro USB or ethernet?*** **A:** The ones on the recording look ethernet powered. **Jannetta:** The mini HPC uses Power over Ethernet (PoE). So each Raspberry Pi has and extra "hat" (https://www.raspberrypi.com/products/poe-hat/) on it and the switch was selected to be able to provide enough power for 8 RPi (150 Watt TP-Link or equivalent, https://www.tp-link.com/uk/business-networking/poe-switch/tl-sg2210mp/). You don't have to use PoE but using it means you do away with a whole lot of cables and power supplies. * ***What are some of the regions in the world involved in the Carpentries Offline project? (other than the UK)*** **A:** At the moment we have folks working on the project in America, one person in South Africa and the rest here in England. I'm trying very hard to get more people to work with us so that we can apply for more funding and get the idea distributed across the world. So if anyone is interested in joining use to work on the project we would welcome you with open arms and be forever thankful! ## Resources * [Communications Resource](https://docs.carpentries.org/topic_folders/communications/index.html) * [Link to host questionnaire to be completed at the end of call](https://forms.gle/N74pFuGkRLawpCHh7) * [Link to attendee questionnaire to be completed at the end of the discussion](https://goo.gl/forms/aNZhcVnq4iPAz4GE3) ## Announcements * Next AUNZ Community Call- Tuesday, 08 October; 1pm Auckland, 9am Perth, 11am Sydney, 1am UTC [See in your timezone](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=AU+NZ+Carpentries+Community+Call&iso=20241008T13&p1=22&ah=1) [Sign Up Here](https://codimd.carpentries.org/s/ADo_gTI9P) * eResearch Australasia October, Melbourne * Birds of a Feather Session https://conference.eresearch.edu.au/the-carpentries-pinball-arcade-an-immersive-game-with-a-training-community/ - Sara King, Liz Stokes and more! Talk to Sara for more info or if you want to get involved! * [Upcoming Carpentries Workshops](https://carpentries.org/upcoming_workshops/) * And another opportunity for AU-NZ folks: The very excellent Amanda Miotto is teaching a Carpentries-style Train-the-Trainer workshop on Reproducible Research, 25 Sept 10-2pm AEST. If this is your bag, please sign up! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/7-steps-towards-reproducible-research-train-the-trainer-workshop-tickets-1002184690387?aff=oddtdtcreator * Submit a workshop (0r something else that is just as fun!) to an upcoming ResBaz! * 6-7 November https://ardc.edu.au/event/resbaz-queensland-2024/ * 26-28 November https://ardc.edu.au/event/resbaz-victoria-2024/ General questions or feedback? Contact [team@carpentries.org](mailto:team@carpentries.org).