# Lesson Design Notes Template :::info Users are expected to follow **[The Carpentries Code of Conduct](https://docs.carpentries.org/topic_folders/policies/code-of-conduct.html)**. All content is publicly available under the [Creative Commons Attribution License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). ::: **Lesson Title:** FIXME <!-- inserts a Table of Contents: don't change the line below --> [TOC] ## Target Audience FIXME add a description of the target audience for your lesson ### Notes FIXME add any relevant information about how and why you chose this target audience. Information like this can be helpful for future collaborators/contributors/users to understand the scope of your lesson. ### List of prerequisite knowledge FIXME write a list of the skills/knowledge your learners will be required to have before they can follow your lesson. ## Lesson Learning Objectives FIXME fill in the block below with learning objectives for your whole lesson. ### Learning Objectives After following this lesson, learners will be able to: * objective 1 * objective 2 * ... * objective N ### Notes FIXME add any relevant information about how and why you defined these objectives. Information like this can be helpful for future collaborators/contributors/users to understand the scope of your lesson. ## Data Set/Narrative FIXME add notes about any criteria you used when choosing a data set and/or narrative for your lesson. * Which datasets and narratives did you consider? * How and why did you choose between them? * What implications do you think your choice of dataset and/or narrative will have for the design and further implementation of your lesson? ## Episodes FIXME use this section to take notes as you create a list of episodes for your lesson. After you have produced this list, assign one episode to each collaborator in your team. They will focus on this episode for the rest of this training, and you will teach these episodes in a trial run between parts 1 and 2 of this training. ### Episode Learning Objectives FIXME use the space below to draft a set of learning objectives for your episode. #### EPISODE TITLE After following this episode, learners will be able to: * objective 1 * objective 2 * ... * objective N ## Designing Exercises FIXME use the space below to draft exercises to help you assess learners' progress towards the objectives you defined for your episode. ### Examples before exercises FIXME use this space to make some notes about examples/narrative you could use to demonstrate the skills/teach the knowledge that learners will need to complete the exercise(s) you designed above. ## Glossary of terms FIXME add a list of terms or jargon from your lesson, along with their definitions. The syntax below will make your glossary render nicely when added to the `learners/reference.md` page of your lesson. Term 1 : Definition 1 add more lines here if you need to but indent them by two spaces each time Term 2 : Definition 2 and so on... ## Completing lesson metadata FIXME add questions and key points that summarise the most important messages of your episodes below. We typically aim to write the key points as answers to the questions. An episode typically answers 1-3 questions. ### Episode Title #### Questions * What is the answer to question 1? * What is the answer to question 2? * etc. #### Key Points * This is the answer to question 1. * This is the answer to question 2. * etc. --- ## Additional Design Notes FIXME add notes to this section that do not fit elsewhere in the page. Topics for this section might include - what has been tried that did not work - learning objectives that you decided to remove (e.g. to trim down the content) and why - concept maps for all or part of your lesson (see the section below) ## Concept Maps Concept maps are a useful tool for describing the relationships between concepts. They can be used to visualise one's mental model of a topic. You can use this section to add concept maps that illustrate the design of your lesson and/or the most important information you are trying to communicate in your lesson/its episodes. You can embed a photo or other image file, or use the [GraphViz](https://graphviz.org/) syntax demonstrated below. ```graphviz digraph hierarchy { nodesep=1.0 // increases the separation between nodes node [color=darkgray,fontname=Courier,shape=box] //All nodes will this shape and colour edge [color=navy, style=dashed] //All the lines look like this "concept map"->{nodes edges} [label="contains"] edges->nodes [label="connect"] nodes->concepts [label="describe"] edges->relationships [label="describe"] relationships->concepts [label="between"] {rank=same;nodes edges} // Put them on the same level "concept map"->"mental model" [label="depicts"] } ``` ### Lesson Concept Map You can put concepts maps for the whole lesson here... ### Episode Concept Maps ...and concept maps for individual episodes here. :::info General questions or feedback? Contact [team@carpentries.org](mailto:team@carpentries.org). :::